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The challenge of Design and Architecture of Systems in technology

A software development project includes several steps, including defining the software architecture and later the software design.

Generally speaking, systems architecture or software architecture is an overall framework that contains the broader requirements of the project. And without the software architecture, it is not possible to move on to defining the software design.

After that, then, one can start actually designing the system one wants to create. This is software design, which helps visualize the small details that need to be accomplished for the project to succeed.

Unlike software architecture, in the software design stage, you will evaluate individual components and the relationship between them.

If you want to understand more deeply about this topic, continue reading the article and learn everything that is related to these areas for the delivery of a high quality project.

Differences between design and software architecture

Both design and systems architecture involve a series of activities and professionals to make their results happen. However, each one is different and happens at different times in a software development project.

A system, in fact, is not just a flow of data and information using a friendly user interface. Systems also consider people, devices, processes, and how all of these communicate efficiently.

To keep all of this organized and find solutions to problems, you need to have software design in place.

Likewise, it is also necessary to have well-organized project structures. And the area that ensures this is software architecture and its trained professionals.

Therefore, systems architecture is a description of how a system can perform the tasks that are expected. To make this come true, there are different architectural styles and patterns that must be followed.

Thus, the software architect is an indispensable professional for this type of project. Below you will understand these aspects in more detail.

Software Design: Definition and benefits

Software design is important to guide the team that will carry out a project. It is a plan that provides precise instructions for keeping the project organized.

In this sense, there are some important benefits of software design, such as the ones listed below.

Reduce uncertainties

With a well-done design, it is possible to anticipate problems and think about their solutions even before putting the project into practice.

This makes it easier to manage the uncertainty that the development of new software causes.

Implement correctly

The implementation of a project is very important, and with the software design done, you have more confidence to perform the necessary tasks.

In order to have a good implementation phase, you must be clear about the requirements for everything to work well, and then execute this planning with as little interference as possible.

Set requirements to build the software

In the design stage, it is necessary to write all the details of the construction of the software, so that it is possible to correctly execute the project.

With that done, the rest of the work becomes very clear and each professional can better understand their tasks and responsibilities.

View the final result

A team remains motivated when the results are visible, and through software design this is possible. Therefore, there is more consistency in the work, which consequently results in more productivity.

Facilitate software architecture implementation

Last but not least, good software design helps when implementing systems architecture. After all, with the clarity of the details it is possible to have a comprehensive enough structure to put everything into practice.

The importance of Software Architecture

Unlike design, systems architecture brings the structural foundations of software. It is what communicates the essential elements in the construction of the software modules that are being built.

Within the software architecture we have the planning stage, also known as the early design step. At this point, it is necessary to have all the requirements already specified, so that the structure is created.

With the architectural planning done the system is able to function without presenting implementation problems.

However, even if the objective is a problem-free project, it is necessary to consider the system's possible failures.

In this sense, architecture is the first step to solving problems and mitigating risks before they even happen. In addition, when the architectural planning stage happens satisfactorily, it becomes much easier to maintain and add features to the system.

Another important advantage is the reduction of costs and impacts because the risks and problems are under control.

What are trade-offs and what is their impact on a project

A trade-off happens when one architectural goal undermines another. In these moments, it is essential to have a great software architecture so that problems are solved quickly.

To make the best decisions, you need to consider the pros and cons of each possibility. This is done by the software architect, a professional who knows the architecture of the system and is able to come to a conclusion to eliminate the trade-off.

Architectural styles

Within software architecture there are several types of architectural styles, which serve to characterize software according to some specific aspects.

When one chooses an architectural style the goal is to identify how the layers and modules are going to communicate. In addition to individual architectural styles, it is possible to combine more than one style and create hybrid styles as well.

Among the various styles, it is possible to mention five major groups: structure, shared memory, messaging styles, adaptive systems, and distributed systems.

When a style is in use, there is some effort to resolve certain bottlenecks. In some cases the focus is on security, while others focus on providing real-time responses.

That's why it's important to determine the requirements correctly when building the software architecture. After all, the choice of style is directly linked to those requirements that were defined earlier.

Finally, in addition to styles, there are also architectural patterns, which will be mentioned below. Patterns explain how an object should be built, considering common contexts and aiming to find a balance between costs and benefits.

Architectural patterns

Within systems architecture we have some patterns that help when putting projects into practice. Check out the most common patterns below.


This is the most well-known software architecture pattern, and it is used by Amazon and Netflix.

This pattern works with modular services that are small and independent of each other. Each of the services will solve a problem or perform a specific task.


This software architecture pattern is about resolving applications that rely on third-party services to manage them.

When you work without servers, you save time by not having to fix the regular problems that happen when using these frameworks.


Finally, an event-driven software architecture allows that if a part of the system is triggered, and this is interesting for another part, an alert is sent or some action is taken.

In a practical example, when a purchase is made in software, the part of the system that is related to the supplier of that material is on alert. After all, because of the purchase, it is possible that the stock is reduced and an action for material purchase is necessary.

The importance of software design and software architecture

There are many aspects that must be considered when creating a software project. Two indispensable points were addressed in this article: software design and software architecture.

Companies need to be aware of this entire structure and organization so that projects are more efficient and deliver the expected quality.

For this, trained professionals need to be hired, such as a software architect. This professional ensures that projects move in the right direction and to the satisfaction of all those involved.

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