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External and Internal Network: Understanding the Fundamentals of Connectivity

In today's world, digital innovation and connectivity are fundamental to business success. In fact, exploring the importance of connectivity in the modern world is what will differentiate companies in the market.

Working with digital innovation means continuously applying technology to improve processes. Furthermore, it enables companies to make the customer experience more positive and develop new products and services.

In this sense, connectivity plays a central role in digital innovation, permeating our personal, social, and professional lives. Since the evolution of the internet, from dial-up to the deployment of 5G, connectivity has been a driving force in technological change.

Web 2.0, smart mobile devices, and high-speed internet marked the initial waves. Now, Web 3.0, with the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence, chatbots, metaverse, and much more are reshaping our reality.

In this article, you will understand the importance of connectivity in digital innovation and how technological changes are transforming our lives and businesses.

Digital innovation is a necessary journey for companies of all sizes and sectors, as those that do not keep up with technological developments inevitably fall behind.

External and internal network: what is the difference?

When we talk about connectivity and technology, we are talking about devices that communicate through networks.

Thus, there are external and internal networks that need to be installed for this connection to happen and be as effective as possible.

In a company, in a house, and in any place that uses systems and devices connected to the internet.

In general, the external network is the one that allows the internet to be made available to each customer of a provider. An internet provider, for example, can have millions of customers and each of them represents an external connection.

So, from the moment the network enters somewhere, there are internal networks. They are necessary for the internet to be available on the various devices we use on a daily basis: cell phones, tablets, computers, televisions, video games, among others.

Internal Networks: Fundamentals and Components

Internal networks enable devices to connect to the internet. And for that, there are different options to choose from.


Switches play a vital role in commercial networks, acting as controllers that connect devices such as computers, printers, and servers. They enable effective communication between these devices, creating a network of shared resources.

There are two options: locally managed switches, ideal for high network control. And switches that are managed in the cloud, simplifying network management with automatic updates.


Routers connect multiple networks and devices to the Internet, allowing them to share a single connection. They act as distributors, choosing the best routes for data to travel.

In addition to connecting your company to the world, they protect against threats and prioritize traffic according to their settings. Routers with additional features such as firewall, VPN, and IP communications can make the network even more secure and efficient.

Access Points

Access points offer wireless connectivity, allowing devices to connect to the network without using cables. They expand bandwidth and provide flexibility for mobile workers.

In addition to extending Wi-Fi range, access points provide data about network devices and proactive security.

Wireless network

When creating wireless networks, you have three deployment options: centralized, converged, and in the cloud.

Centralized deployment is common in nearby locations, while converged deployment provides consistency between wired and wireless connections in smaller locations. Cloud deployment uses cloud management for local devices. Each option has its advantages, depending on your company's needs.

These essential network components play key roles in building a solid and secure network infrastructure. Choosing the right options for switches, routers, and access points can optimize your network connectivity and improve business productivity and efficiency.

External Networks: The Global Interconnection

Unlike internal networks, external networks are much larger and involve different types of agents.

However, there are also varied options for you to choose from. When planning a network infrastructure, you need to consider each one and make the final decision later.

Local Area Network (LAN)

Within an organization, local networks (LAN) are the most used. What characterizes a LAN are equipment and connections that operate within a single installation. Its main objective is connection to the external network and distribution of information internally.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) cover larger areas, often encompassing multiple LANs in a city.

For this to happen, more robust infrastructure management and larger, more resistant equipment are required. After all, the distances that data travel are greater. Consequently, there is a greater risk of interference.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

Wide area networks (WAN) are even larger, connecting LANs and MANs. This type of technology is capable of covering vast geographic areas, such as entire countries or regions.

In this sense, as coverage is broad, data traffic is significant. As with MAN, there are more chances of interference. Therefore, a sophisticated infrastructure is required.

WAN projects are common in large and multinational companies with several branches.

Wireless networks (Wireless)

Back to the local level, wireless networks connect devices locally through data transmission via radio waves. Therefore, there is no need for physical cables.

Through routers, data is transmitted via radio waves and can be accessed by each device.

Therefore, when planning a wireless network, it is important to consider possible interference and the structure of the installation location. Issues to address include the location of the central router, the need for signal boosters, and which devices will use the network.

The Importance of Connectivity in the Digital Age

Connectivity plays a fundamental role in the digital era, driving advances in several areas. From business processes to services, smart cities and economies, digital connectivity is the backbone of contemporary society.

Therefore, disconnected people are at risk of exclusion from online opportunities that improve their quality of life. The same happens with companies that do not adapt to new technologies.

In this sense, structuring a good network to provide connectivity to people is essential. After all, this makes it possible to maintain communication and also find business opportunities.

Thus, investing in connectivity quality is related to the growth of organizations, as there is constant processing, storage and distribution of huge volumes of data.

In short, in the digital age, connectivity is the lifeblood that drives innovation, collaboration and access to information. Speed and latency are decisive criteria, as the ability to provide information quickly and efficiently is critical to success, and connectivity plays a central role in this process.

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